Smarter Working

Companies are always looking for smarter ways of working and streamlining operations in terms of efficiency and sustainability. We provide the relevant support with our ‘Smarter Working’ solutions, combining different technologies to create ideal working environments. New ‘smarter’ products and services are constantly under development based on trends we identify and forecast. We test new work concepts in conjunction with customers.

Smarter Working enables working in teams anywhere, any time. Colleagues are always connected through integrated fixed and mobile technologies. Each employee has a single account and one digital workspace with access to applications in the cloud that make it possible to work together on PCs, laptops, smartphones and tablets. They can work in the same spreadsheet at the same time, for instance, or hold video meetings.

We replace old hardware and software by systems and programs that are faster and more user friendly. We use safe connections, such as ipVPN. These provide employees access to company-critical information without them having to worry about data loss. Smarter Working encourages people to work where they can be at their best, saving organisations money in terms of real estate and travel expenses. And since there’s less travel, it’s better for the environment, too.