
We want our customers to be confident that their data is 100% secure at VodafoneZiggo. That's why we take every effort to guarantee their security and privacy, for example by providing training to our employees, organising security campaigns and making security an integral part of product development.

Security Teams

The responsibility for the protection of customer information lies with our security teams. These teams take care of the security of our customer systems, applications, data centres, IT infrastructure, and the services to our customers and organisation. The teams receive support from Vodafone Group and Liberty Global. The Cyber Defence Operations departments oversee VodafoneZiggo's infrastructure and online activities - seven days a week, 24 hours a day. They report any incidents immediately. The VodafoneZiggo security teams work with them to identify potential threats and resolve any problems. The teams continuously carry out tests and risk analyses, predicting and detecting potential hazards to our employees and systems. We incorporate the safety aspects into every new product or idea that we work on. Internal security experts advise our employees on the development of new products and services.

Fraud and Misconduct

A group of security specialists is responsible for protecting our customers against fraud and abuse. They detect phishing, malware and other forms of (potential) identity fraud. In addition, VodafoneZiggo has a team that works to prevent internal fraud, theft and misconduct. We employ a zero-tolerance policy and impose disciplinary measures on employees or suppliers found guilty of fraud. In serious cases, we gather evidence against the persons in question so that we can take disciplinary or legal action against them. If deemed necessary, we inform the police and other relevant authorities.

Law Enforcement

Dutch law obliges all telecom providers to share information about specific customers if they are under suspicion of criminal or terrorist activities. We only share information about customers if we are legally obliged to, or if we receive a court order instructing us to do so. With the increased terrorist threat, the balance between privacy and security continues to be the subject of debate in the Netherlands. We urge the government to make effective monitoring possible in the case of such activities. Vodafone Group publishes a regular report on law enforcement with a country-by-country approach.


Security, health and wellbeing form an integral part of our corporate culture. All employees are familiar with our security rules. These rules ensure that employees are able to recognise risks and take responsibility for their own safety and that of others. In this way, we try to reduce health risks and the risk of accidents to every employee. Colleagues who make business trips use 'TravelTracker'. This app ensures that VodafoneZiggo and its employees can always reach one another, especially in crisis situations. In the event of an emergency, we quickly know whether our people are safe and can provide them with important local information.

Internal Guidelines and ISO 27001

Voor de bescherming van informatie houden we ons aan internationale richtlijnen en lokale wet- en regelgeving en volgen we best practices in de sector. Sinds 2017 hebben we een certificering voor ISO 27001, de internationale standaard voor informatieveiligheidsmanagementsystemen. Alle collega's, het management en andere betrokken partijen zijn verplicht om gebreken of verstoringen van de beveiligingsmaatregelen te melden. Ook zijn ze verplicht een melding te maken als ze onwettige openbaarmaking van gevoelige of vertrouwelijke informatie ontdekken.


Every VodafoneZiggo employee attends a training course on subjects such as bribery, fraud and unsafe behaviour. They do so shortly after starting employment and then every year. Both internally and externally, we conducted campaigns to make people aware of the security risks that exist online or in the workplace. We feel that we have a responsibility to educate different groups in society about online behaviour, such as the elderly and young people. The subject of security, for instance, is integral to our Welkom Online teaching programme for people who have rarely or never been online.